Beat back inflation

Solar likely costs less out of pocket than your utility this year - imagine the savings in year 25.

Produce your own power

Ahh, the peace of mind that comes with knowing the only way you won't have power is if the sun stops shining.

Own a micro power company

Learn the tax and property valuation benefits of owning your own micro energy plant.

Switch with us

We think ahead


Transparent, up-front, industry best pricing


Top tier equipment from the best manufacturers


Professional install with comprehensive warranty


Active monitoring and service for the life of your system

Solar Is Happening

The question for you is just when

Why? Because Energy is a Question

We think ahead


The cost of solar has come down every year while grid power prices have gone up. You pay less, humanity pays less, that's why you will see solar more.


Even occasional outages are enough to destabilize your energy security. Consuming power where it is produced dwarfs the consistency of a complex grid.


People everywhere are recognizing the value of controlling their own essential utilities. Solar has the ability to bring sovereign power to every household.


Sign Up

Once we agree on a first draft plan, price, and system specs we start our quality assurance process to ensure you get the ideal system.


Site Inspection

Now that we are settled on what we want, we want to make absolutely sure it will achieve everything you're looking for and meet building codes.

DAY 15

Final Engineered Plans

The third quality check before install is an engineer's stamp of approval. We are obsessed with making sure performance exceeds expectations.

DAY 30

Permit Approval

At this point we buy your dedicated service team lunch for all the shenanigans they put up with getting permits. Not that you could tell.

DAY 35

Material Arrival & Install

You don't need to do much, we just need access to your roof for a day or two. We are as quiet, clean, and polite as humanly possible.

DAY 40

Grid Connection

Utility approval and grid tie for net metering and power backup. Now you're fully setup and ready to enjoy your autonomous, clean, solar power

Ok, let’s talk

We will walk you through every step – design to grid connection – with a dedicated team member who’s job is to make this simple for you.

We contact you